Too few cancer patients receive care for debilitating fatigue that can last for months or even years after treatment. Fatigue is a factor  that not only significantly diminishes quality of life but is also associated with reduced survival. The study, included 160 lung, breast, colon and prostate cancer patients who had moderate to severe fatigue. They were asked if their oncology teams had mentioned any of the cancer fatigue treatments recommended such as counselling, medications and getting more exercise. Only 10 percent of patients said they were told to get more exercise or to try other non-medication ways of reducing fatigue. More than 35 percent of the patients were offered sleep medications, even though drugs have been shown to be the least effective way to treat fatigue in cancer patients. The researchers also found that the type of cancer was a factor in whether patients received treatment for fatigue Only 15 percent of colon cancer patients and 17 percent of prostate cancer patients received treatment for fatigue, while 48 percent of breast cancer patients were told about counselling. The vast majority of patients were not engaging in behavioural practices that could reduce fatigue and potentially enhance quality of life.  Almost a third reported napping during the day, which can actually worsen fatigue. There is a need for specialists who focus on helping cancer patient’s deal with issues such as fatigue, depression and pain, the researchers said.


Breast cancer today is not what it was 20 years ago. Survival rates are climbing thanks to greater awareness, early detection and advances in treatments. There are plenty of reasons to be hopeful. We hear so much about the 1 in 8 women who will get breast cancer in their lifetimes and that 12% number looms large in many  women’s minds. Fear of getting breast cancer paralyzes these women. In some  cases, their chances of getting breast cancer are greater than average because  of family history or lifestyle issues, but, even so, most women do not get  breast cancer, even those with some risk factors. More women die of heart disease than all types of cancer combined

Thoughts for this year

May 1213 bring continuing improvements in quicker cancer diagnosis, treatments and ever increasing longevity in patients. What is clear is that we're in the midst of an explosion in novel cancer treatment options. This could be an amazing year. 
This editorial appeared in the Chicago Tribune 
For the first time ever, three pharmaceutical companies are poised to test whether new drugs can work against a wide range of cancers independently of where they originated –breast, prostate, liver, lung. … Many scientists see this as the beginning of a new genetic age in cancer research. … Merck, Roche and Sanofi are racing to develop their own versions of a drug they hope will restore a mechanism that normally makes badly damaged cells self-destruct and could be used against half of all cancers. Other researchers are also pursuing other promising paths. Without relent.

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